Monday 5 December 2011

Eureka Matsushima Memorabilia

Long time no see blog! We're still maintaining close to a one-a-month average, however, so all you subscribers are still getting your money's worth (please send money).

Japan has a nifty list called the Three Views of Japan. It is (supposedly) the country's three most celebrated scenic sites. We happen to live really quite close to one of them - Matsushima - which means that visiting it at least once while we were in Sendai was almost a requirement. A few weekends ago we did just that; just hopped on a train and went to see a bay full of tiny pine-covered islands, our excitement running high. To be honest it has a nice reputation: a famous haiku about the area consists of the poet just saying "matsushima" followed by "ah", apparently indicating a loss of words at the beauty. Or lazy poetry. Follow us after the jump to learn more!